We Specialize in Preventions and Interventions for Brain Health
Preventing and treating cognitive and memory decline, including Alzheimer’s, is a particular area of expertise within our practice. Both Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen and Dr. Anne Stefani have deep passion for the cutting-edge science within this field, including research into the role of gene function within cognitive disease states. As a result, they have chosen extensive study into the prevention of and treatment for cognitive issues. Both physicians, in partnership with our dietician, implement The Bredesen Protocol™ which is a comprehensive, personalized program designed to improve cognition and reverse cognitive decline of SCI, MCI and Early Alzheimer’s disease.*
The Importance of Genomic Intelligence
In addition to The Bredesen Protocol™, Resilient Health utilizes the most advanced medical genomics available, IntellxxDNA,™ to analyze patient gene function to determine what genetic components contribute to risk. Current literature discusses the influence of the gene APOE4. However, that is not the only influentical gene in relation to cognitive issues. Our physicians investigate a number of additional, evidence-based genetic markers that can also contribute to risk. Genomics is evolving rapidly as the field is expanding. Our priority is to remain on the forefront as genetic research emerges.
Our Expertise In Brain Health Protocols
Dr. Hausman-Cohen was mentored by the founder of The Bredesen Protocol,™ Dr. Dale Bredesen. He is one of the world’s premier Alzheimer’s researchers and thought leaders and has been a mentor for Dr. Hausman-Cohen. Due to her work with Dr. Bredesen and prior training in Dr. Bredesen’s Recode™ protocol (Reversal of Cognitive Decline), Dr. Hausman-Cohen was chosen as a guest lecturer on Type III Alzheimer’s during Dr. Bredesen’s initial training program. She is also acknowledged in Dr. Bredesen’s best-selling book, The End Of Alzheimer’s: The First Program To Prevent And Reverse Cognitive Decline.
Dr. Anne Stefani joined Resilient Health in 2018 and shares Dr. Hausman-Cohen’s passion for treating cognitive decline. Also trained in The Bredesen Protocol™, Dr. Stefani partners with Dr. Hausman-Cohen in helping patients repair or reverse cognitive impairment, and in conducting genomic research to better understand gene function, preventions and interventions.