Our personal approach helps you achieve optimal health and wellness.
We combine the best of traditional and integrative medicine to provide you with evidence-based, personalized care.
Our practice uses an integrative approach in which we incorporate the full spectrum of traditional western medicine with the latest integrative science. In our 60-90 minute appointments, we utilize our understanding of the roles of mitochondria, nutrition, lifestyle changes, supplements (based on evidence and research), genetics, and other healing modalities to provide optimal care and wellness.
Particular to our approach is our appreciation of the fact that no two people are alike. Listening to your concerns and goals for your health is central to our practice. We partner with you by customizing our research and recommendations, inclusive of your input, family history, current health state and evidence-based medical best practices.
Welcome to Resilient Health Austin. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
Health Is An Opportunity
With all that is now known or available in the world of medicine, genetics, supplements, exercise physiology and nutrition it’s possible to achieve a higher level of health and resilience than ever before.

What is Integrative Medicine?
The term Integrative Medicine refers to the blending of conventional and natural/complementary medicines and/or therapies along with lifestyle interventions and a holistic approach – taking into account the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual wellbeing of the person – with the aim of using the most appropriate, safe and evidence-based modality(ies) available.
(Australian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) www.aima.net)
Integrative Is Imperative
The human body is incredibly complex and wonderful! We know that all the systems of the body interconnect. Nerves, signaling hormones and other pathways, connect each of our organs to the immune system, brain and more. An integrative approach allows us to work with the complex nature of the human body.

Results Demand Action
Leaving the office with a detailed plan of action will help you fully incorporate our recommendations. You can be assured that we will provide you with a plan that you can access at any time on the portal or we will provide you with a written copy if preferred. Our recommendations will be specific and you will know how to manage your care but we will be happy to answer questions if you need assistance.
Ask us about advanced medical genomic consulting to help you achieve optimal health.
Insight into your gene function, and the ability to create an individualized health plan in response, offers the most targeted, personalized route to achieving your